Both does and bucks of various ages are available. Tattoo and pedigrees may be available. We raise quality rabbits for your 4H projects or establishing your own rabbitry.

American Chinchilla Rabbits: -The American Chinchilla is a large, hardy and gentle animal, with mature bucks weighing in at 9 to 11 pounds and does at 10 to 12 pounds. American Chinchilla Rabbits were originally bred because they are great meat and fur rabbits, but they have such a great temperament, they make great pets too. American Chinchilla Rabbits are one of the Rare Breed Rabbits, seriously threatened with extinction.

Located near Richmond, Virginia. Delivery nearby may be available or you can arrange with a shipper of your choice.
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Prices range from $45 to $60 and are subject to change.

Be well!